
Do you want to play with us?

Spigo is always on the lookout for the best game and web developers in the world, who want to be a part of creating big changes in a fast developing enterprise.

Game development is fun. You get to create a complete mini universe in which the player can act and which reacts to the player's actions. Only your imagination sets the limit and many of the best games are indeed created by people with a lively imagination.

World Tour
World Tour - from rough draft to finished game
Las Vegas
Las Vegas

At Spigo we love when ideas are put into action. Games like World Tour and Jungle were thought out by a couple of young guys at a kitchen table in a flat in Århus, Denmark in the spring of 2006. The thoughts became pencil drawings which were then, through Photoshop, made into the great looking graphics as you know it from these games today.

What does Spigo do?

We also create games for iPhone/iPad and Android. If you have created a game for iPhone/iPad or Android we might also want to buy it.

Today we create games for the web, iPhone/iPad and Android but we'd also like to create games for all platforms with an audience for casual games. We love to try out new technologies and to renew ourselves. This also emphasizes the importance of having people working for us, who are able to work in a dynamic environment and continuously acquire new skills. At the moment when we create games, we are playing around with Java, Unity, Objective C / Cocoa Touch, OpenGL, Box2D, Html5, PlayN as well as our inhouse Java framework Libzard.
If you have created a game for iPhone/iPad or Android we might also want to buy it.

The atmosphere of the Spigo community is one of the most cozy ones on the internet. This is of course due to our lovely users but also in part due to the framework which our skilled .NET team makes available to them. They carefully see to that Spigo always has the coolest functions and is also keeping up with the times so that the site is always fresh and modern. We are already now working on the next thorough change which will yet again bring Spigo up there with the newest development, design- as well as function wise!

We want you in our team

If you're out there creating games or websites in your spare time or professionally, and if you're good at what you do, then perhaps you should get in touch with us. You could have a background in computer science, software engineering or similar. Send an email to Hubert, our COO, or to Kasper, our CEO, and tell us a bit about yourself.

It's important that you are passionate about what you do and have the ambition of becoming a part of a winning team. We have always been a small tightly knit team and we'd like that to continue. Therefore it means a lot to us, that each of our pieces can make a big difference on the playing board.