Read about the companies behind Spigo® and what the goals are
Spigo® is dedicated to develop and deliver electronic entertainment of high quality. Our goal is to offer the best electronic entertainment within the areas our company operates in at all times, while outperforming all imaginable competitors. This includes emphasis on creating entertainment products with long lifetimes, having a wide target group and operating with uncompromising security.
Spigo® develops and runs the website Spigo® which has sister sites all over the world, please refer to for more information. To live up to our company's goal of high quality, all software is developed by Spigo®. The web site is also run by Spigo® and the parent companies behind it. SPIGO® is through the Madrid Protocol international registrered trademark no. 982832. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off. reg. no. 3,686,279.
Spigo ApS
Brovej 20 A
8800 Viborg
VAT Reg No.: DK 29319677